tentative standard

英 [ˈtentətɪv ˈstændəd] 美 [ˈtentətɪv ˈstændərd]

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  1. A Tentative Study of Teaching Practice for Musical Education Majors Adapted to the New Curriculum Standard
  2. According to a series of tentative surveys and statistics, I define the standard volume of new words and its evolutionary process.
  3. There are disadvantages in current evidence standard prosecution stated in the Criminal Procedure Law. To perfect it, we need to construct a new tentative plan that is the unification of objective and subjective dynamic level standard system.
  4. Established the tentative quality standard of preparation.
  5. A tentative study on standard land price assessment in small towns
  6. Combined with the current situation of wood paint standard both at home and abroad, the article spoke of some tentative ideas for water-borne wood paint standard respectively according to the product classification and property requirement.
  7. Tentative Research on Emission Standard of Arsenic and Lead from Tin Industry
  8. Tentative Ideas for Water-borne Wood Paint Standard
  9. This paper introduces the content of CCSDS SLE service, and then puts forward a tentative plan that uses international TT& C system based on CCSDS SLE information transfer standard. Finally, the paper presents a scheme design using SLE forward telecommand service.
  10. Conclusion The product had very good protected effect. According to tentative evaluated standard, the grade of tested results was A.
  11. The paper also gives out a tentative proposal on the standard of design flood frequency for the future Beijing Shanghai High Speed Railway.
  12. The tentative idea for the current standard is to classify the vertical tank as a metering tank and a storage tank, while the metering tank is classified as a trade metering tank and a non-trade tank.
  13. A Tentative Study on the State Geography Subject Standard
  14. This paper makes a tentative inquiry into the choice of standard and method about the improved strains of Tung tree and knows the proportion each property accounts for.
  15. This paper makes a tentative study on this prescription from the perspectives of the preparation of drugs and the quality standards for research and establishes a reasonable production line and a controllable quality standard.
  16. Chapter 3 puts forward reconstruction and the tentative idea about standard of proof in capital cases, such as "certainty and no doubt".